North Berkeley Wealth Blog

North Berkeley Wealth Blog2020-09-10T10:17:40-07:00

Midterms and Markets

By |November 18th, 2022|Articles, Friday Reflections|

While financial markets may breathe a sigh of relief following midterm election results, the present reality is that ongoing concerns about global recession, high inflation, and tighter central bank policies could limit the enthusiasm of any post-election rally.

Precarious Expectations

By |September 16th, 2022|Articles, Friday Reflections|

Investors often expect the status quo to continue indefinitely but markets can change course rapidly. There are measurable benefits to balancing historically-rooted optimism and a timeframe that extends beyond the present moment.

Double-Edged Dollar

By |July 22nd, 2022|Articles, Friday Reflections|

Similar to other assets, currency markets have cycles and are sensitive to the near and intermediate-term outlook for the global economy. As the US dollar gains strength on global markets the results of the appreciating currency remain complex.