Offense Sells Tickets; Defense Wins Championships
Q2 2019 Market Commentary
Today’s economy has been sending signals that it is in its final innings. The stock market goes up and down in price trying to discern the direction of the game.
Q2 2019 Market Commentary
Today’s economy has been sending signals that it is in its final innings. The stock market goes up and down in price trying to discern the direction of the game.
Q1 2019 Market Commentary
FOMO is the new version of greed, and it has developed amazing velocity in our hyper-connected world of hyper-productivity. Our latest market commentary explores how instinctive thinking is affecting our financial markets.
Q4 2018 Market Commentary
Winter is often used in literature as a metaphor for difficult times and right now feels like just one of those times. The recent declines in stock prices are unsettling and lead to worry about the future.
Q3 2018 Market Commentary
We all know that risks exist, but our feeling about a particular risk is driven by our recent experience. Many investors have fallen into a false sense of diminished investment risk because of prolonged calm in the markets.
When is the right time for a parent to begin the conversation about their finances with their children? Or for a child to start this conversation with their parent?
Q4 2017 Market Commentary
Annually in January market predictions for the future abound. Reading the news in January is thus an exercise in incredulity – about the certainty the prognosticators declare about an inherently uncertain future.