Thursday, November 2, 2017
5:30-7:30 p.m.
You’re invited to an opening reception for ‘Superstructure’ featuring the art of Deborah Sibony and Anne Subercaseaux.
There is the natural world and there is the world we’ve built on top of it. Urban life is a construct of incredible ingenuity designed to meet our human needs, sometimes on an incredible scale. Bridges, cranes, buildings, and towers populate our horizon, cast shadows on us, change our perception of the natural landscape. The work of Deborah Sibony and Anne Subercaseaux examines our interaction with the constructed world, one who hints at the marks we make on nature, and the other who uses fragments of intimate views. Their common subject, the Bay Bridge.
We are thrilled to exhibit the work of these two accomplished artists in our office gallery.
Join us. Bring friends. Share the word.
North Berkeley Investment Partners
1820 Solano Avenue, Berkeley