North Berkeley takes pride in providing investment solutions for clients that are interested in incorporating their values as part of their investment strategy. For these clients, we have created our inaugural Impact Highlight Report. The report provides real-world examples of how our clients’ investments are being used to create positive change through engagement.
How your investments drive social change
We look at one practice of engagement used by mutual funds to create change within companies on Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) issues. Direct dialogue of a mutual fund with the companies in which they invest can be a powerful tool for encouraging business practices that do less harm and more good for us all. Many of our clients choose to incorporate their values into their investments, the report highlights how their assets are being used to create positive change.
Interested in learning how to create impact with your investments?
If you are looking for guidance around socially responsible investing or would like us to review your current portfolio, please reach out to us for a free consultation.
Call (510) 528-5820 or email